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PTA provides student activities ranging from educational assemblies to field trips to family activities. We also support our teachers and provide financial support for academic and enrichment programs at Rancho San Diego Elementary.
There are many programs and activities that could use your help. By actively participating at Rancho San Diego Elementary, you show your child your eagerness to invest in them and their education.
All of us working together is truly what helps build our community and helps our children grow.
Help us match your interests, preferences, talents, and availability with PTA’s volunteer needs by sending us a quick email.
Membership dues go toward technology, field trips, assemblies, family events, STEAM education, and lots more!
You can do this by saving Box Tops and registering online at grocery stores and Amazon.
We hold restaurant nights once a month at local eateries and dessert parlors. These are a great excuse to skip on cooking and doing dishes!
PTA meetings are held the second Wednesday of every month and we rotate meetings between mornings and evenings.
We need lots of volunteers in order for events to run smoothly and safely. We send out volunteer requests 4–6 weeks in advance.
With how busy everyone is, we understand that your time may be hardest thing for your to give. Good news: we often need parents to contribute food or supplies for our teacher appreciation observances or events. As events approach, watch for us to send out sign up lists to for what we need!
Check out our full list of leadership and coordinator roles. There is something for everyone! Some roles can shared between two people.
Each Friday we sell treats after school for $1. If you use the drop-off line, remember to tuck a dollar in your student’s backpack on Friday morning. We also need parents to staff the treat-sales table and buy treats for re-sale.
Between wedding planning, baby showers, birthday parties, and office parties, most parents have lots of experience in the event planning department. Can you step up and take the lead on one of PTA’s many events?
There are big events (such as our Halloween Carnival and Jog-a-thon) and smaller but important events (such as our PTA membership drive or Dads & Donuts). Check out our school year overview calendar to see what sorts of events need planning!
Our yearbook is a team effort. Our goal is to have at least one photo of every student in addition to their yearbook photo.. If you have great pics from school events, email them to our yearbook editor. No need to wait until the end of the year, either. It makes things much easier for everybody if you email photos as you take them. RSDyearbook2122 (at)
Can you write grants? Are you an artist, photographer, or graphic designer? Are you a retired teacher? Do you speak another language and can help us translate for non-English-speaking parents? To get started, email us and let us know what your passions are.
Room parents are a vital resource for our teachers. Tasks vary according to individual teachers’ needs but duties often include planning class parties, helping at special events, posting reminders on the parent communication app, and coordinating teacher gifts. Many of our parents chose to share the work by being co-room parents.
Volunteer for this in person with your teacher at the beginning of the school year. Also, you don’t need to be a parent to be a room parent; other family members or adults connected to your student can fill this role!
Teachers need volunteers in the classroom for helping students learn in small groups, testing, tutoring, helping with behavior, prepping learning materials, managing complicated student projects, and many other tasks. This can be done on a recurring basis or as needed, depending on your time and the teacher’s needs.
Many teachers have a great need for parents to help assemble learning materials and this can be done from the comfort of your home.
Historically, each Wednesday morning, parent volunteers would meet in the teachers lounge to help teachers assemble classroom materials. This included photocopying, cutting, stapling, folding, gluing, preparing class projects, and making books. No RSVP is or long term commitment was needed.
We have lost our longtime Cut & Paste coordinator and will start this program back up once we have a volunteer. Email us if you can help!
Aside from being a huge help to the teachers, Cut & Paste was a good way to get to know some of the other parents at school. Parents would just swing by Wednesday mornings at 8 am to see what the work load was for that day. The more helpers, the less time the projects took.
If school's in session, chances are we have a fundraiser going. Check out this page for more info!
In lieu of participating in fundraisers, some families prefer to make a straight donation.
PTA has certain tasks that can be done from home. Contact us if you have this kind of availability!
Copyright © 2023 Rancho San Diego PTA - All Rights Reserved.
PTA: Improving the lives of children and families